SparcHub Software

Ready to Track, Manage & Capture

Keep track of ideas, manage your opportunity portfolio, and capture what your team is learning.

Everything in one place

Instrument your innovation process, create transparency, share key learnings and eliminate the need for endless status updates

Idea Inventory

Strategic Score Card

Checkpoint Management System

Portfolio Management Tool

Financial Management

SparcHub Sage

Built for small businesses and consultants to easily implement the discovery driven growth method.

  • Immediately see the status of portfolios and how they change over time – know how much you are investing in today’s business and in the future

  • Capture key learnings and quickly share current status updates (better than a spreadsheet)

  • Compare projects and proposals against the same strategic scorecards

  • Track your spending and key learnings

  • Plan around critical checkpoints


per user


SparcHub Enterprise

All the benefits of Sparchub Sage

Intended for large, complex organizations with complex security and access requirements 

Try SparcHub for your team

Bring a new level of transparency and shared learning to your innovation program!